Sequential® Prophet® 3000 Sounds, Parts & Manuals
The 2-Meg Prophet® 3000 was the last Sequential® Prophet®. It delivers 10.6 seconds
of 16-bit stereo sampling at a rate of 48 kHz, or 21.2 seconds in mono. It was
recognized as the world's easiest to operate digital sampler 
Options available include SCSI hard disk drives,
a large library of sampled sounds, special memory expansion kits
increasing overall sample memory to 4-megabytes, plus survival
kits & a service diagnostics software disk.
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Sequential® Prophet® 3000 Sound Disk Library: $15 per title |
- Martin Steel String Acoustic Guitar
- Nylon String Acoustic Guitar
- Woodwinds & Saxophones
- Ceramic Flute, Harmonica, Shamesan
- Acoustic Bass, Pizzicato & Bowed
Vibes, Xylophone, & Marimba
- Sitar, Tamboura, & Tabla
- Celeste & Glockenspeil
- Violin Section
- Strings Trill
- 4 Gongs, hits & rolls
- Harpsichord
- Solo Violin
- Violas Attack
- Strings, Tremelo
- Ogden Cello
- Piano #2
- Clarinet & Oboe
- Four Trumpets
- VS Strings
- VS Glasshorn
- VS Techo
- Strings, Pizzicato
- Latin Percussion
- Jazz Trap with Sticks
- Crash Cymbals
- Classical Flute
- Mixed Brass
- Brass Choir
- 4 Tenor Saxaphones
- String Section
Sequential® Prophet® 3000 Parts
#I-090 1-Meg DRAM IC - $15
#I-365/CEM3387 IC $45
#I-366/CEM3357 IC $45
#S-120 panel switch $6
#I-627B PLCC Custom
Voice Controller IC-$45
#I-628 PLCC DMA IC - $75
Sequential® Prophet® 3000 Service Disk & Manuals
- Service Diagnostics Disk$ 29.98
- Technical service manual
- Remote panel cable
- Main housing
- WCP 1.6A SCSI $19.98 hard disk operating software
Prophet® 3000
Survival Kit: $59
#SK3000-4 includes
#I-629 custom serial/parallel IC
#I-630 custom"glue chip" IC
#I-365/CEM3387 signal proc. IC
#I-366/CEM3357 s/h IC
control panel switch/cap & pots |
Sequential® Prophet®
3000 custom
IC No Longer Available!
- The Sequential® #I-627 Rev.A, PGA style voice
output custom ICs, is a complex chip that converts sound RAM
data into data for all of the voices, adjusts sample playback
for the desired pitch, controls sample
start/end/looping points, synchs the playback of stereo
channels, & controls refresh for the dynamic sound RAM.
- The #I-627 Rev.A PGA chip was also intended to adjust for
different RAM chip configurations. Unfortunately, a
design flaw in the #I-627 Rev. A custom PGA IC failed to
accomplish this task.
- Nearly all Sequential® Prophet® 3000s were manufactured with the
PGA style #I-627 Rev.A. Because of this design flaw, nearly all Sequential® Prophet® 3000s are unable to expand the sample memory to 4-Megabytes of RAM or beyond. The
redesigned #I-627 Rev.B PLCC style custom IC corrects this
flaw. The #I-627 Rev.B allows the Sequential® Prophet® 3000 to recognize the presence of the 16 DRAM (#I-090)
memory ICs when installed into the 16 empty sockets located on the
Sequential® Prophet® 3000's main. PC board (as originally intended).
Unfortunately, replacing the #I-627 Rev.A GA style IC with
a #I-627 Rev.B PLCC style IC is an extremely complicated modification
that lacks any clear & precise technical documentation.
The Sequential® #I-628 custom IC is also no longer available.
Shipping Charges |
USA $12-$15 |
INTERNATIONAL from $17 to $80 |
California Residents must add 9.375% Sales Tax |
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