- In 1977, Sequential Circuits was formed to design & build accessories
for the popular synthesizers of the day. The company's first attempt
at a stand alone keyboard synthesizer was the legendary prophet®-5
released in 1978. The company grew to become a giant force and major influence
in the
design and manufacture of electronic keyboards.
- After experiencing several years of declining sales, Sequential
Circuits ceased to exist
as an independent American manufacturer of cutting edge synthesizers,
samplers, & drum
machines in December of 1987.
- Sequential Circuits financial condition in 1987 prompted a small group of
ex-Sequential Circuits employees to form Wine Country Productions in an
effort to provide
after market support for all Sequential Circuits products. In
1988, Wine Country Productions
acquired the entire remaining Sequential Circuits stock, technical
documentation, software, and
spare parts. Since 1987, Wine Country Productions Inc. has provided spare parts,
technical service, and operational support for the entire line of Sequential Circuits instruments every single day. This experience, combined with
our years as Sequential Circuits employees, simply
means we know the prophets®, or any Sequential CIrcuits product better
than anyone on this planet.
- Wine Country Productions Inc. specializes in the restoration of SequentiaLCircuits
prophets®. Spare parts currently available
are published in this website. Please feel free to copy & distribute those pages
listing parts in the Web Site. For more information, CALL or WRITE with a
request for a specific part, & include your current email or postal
mailing address.
Email for more information!

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